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VBA Graphique Bulle
Débutant XLPages

Inscription: 22/02/2023
De Genève

Messages: 1

Système d'exploitation:
Version Excel utilisée:
2013, 2016
Posté le : 22-02-2023 23h05



J’aimerais modifier une macro d’un fichier Excel que j’ai récupéré.

Cette macro crée un graphique dans l’onglet EVALUATION DES RISQUES sur la base de données des colonnes F,G,H,I de l’onglet SAISIE DES RISQUES.

J’aimerais que la macro prenne comme source les colonnes L,M au lieux des colonnes H,I.

Que dois-je modifier dans la macro ci-dessous :


Sub bubbles()

Dim bubble_breite As Integer

Dim bubble_hoehe As Integer

Dim fontcolor_bubble As String

Dim fontstyle_bubble As String


Dim delta_x As Double

Dim delta_y As Double

Dim delta_delta_x As Double

Dim delta_delta_y As Double

Dim upper_left_x As Double

Dim upper_left_y As Double


' sti: variable riskono und eingeführt

Dim risikono(100) As Integer

Dim wahrscheinlichkeit(100) As Integer

Dim auswirkung(100) As Integer

Dim counter(5, 5) As Integer

Dim x As Integer

Dim y As Integer

Dim k As Double

Dim AnzahlEintraege As Integer

Dim AnzahlT As Integer

Dim t As String


' Initalisierungen

bubble_breite = 18

bubble_hoehe = 18

fontcolor_bubble = 1

fontstyle_bubble = "Standard"


' counter zuruecksetzen

  For i = 0 To 5

    For j = 0 To 5

      counter(i, j) = 0

    Next j

  Next i


' bubbles loeschen

  Call erase_bubbles


' Anzahl Risiken

  AnzahlEintraege = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Range("A4:A205"), ">0")


' Anzahl Zeitperioden T

  AnzahlT = 2

  'WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Range("F4:Z4"), "*SM*")

  activeCol = 4 + (AnzahlT * 2)


For k = 1 To AnzahlT

    'daten auslesen

    For i = 1 To 100

    ' sti: variable risikono eingeführt und neue abfrage für top risiken

    risikono(i) = CInt(Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Cells(i + 3, 1).Value)

    wahrscheinlichkeit(i) = 0

    auswirkung(i) = 0

    If Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Cells(i + 3, 5).Value = "oui" Then

       If Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Cells(i + 3, activeCol).Value = " " Then wahrscheinlichkeit(i) = 0 Else wahrscheinlichkeit(i) = CInt(Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Cells(i + 3, activeCol).Value)

       If Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Cells(i + 3, activeCol + 1).Value = " " Then auswirkung(i) = 0 Else auswirkung(i) = CInt(Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES").Cells(i + 3, activeCol + 1).Value)

    End If

    Next i


' bubbles zeichnen

    upper_left_x = Sheets("MODELE").Cells(4, 3).Left

    upper_left_y = Sheets("MODELE").Cells(4, 3).Top

    delta_x = Sheets("MODELE").Cells(4, 3).Width

    delta_y = Sheets("MODELE").Cells(4, 3).Height

    delta_delta_x = bubble_breite + (delta_x - 3 * bubble_breite) / 10

    upper_left_x = upper_left_x + (delta_x - 3 * bubble_breite) / 10

    delta_delta_y = bubble_hoehe + (delta_y - 3 * bubble_hoehe) / 10

    upper_left_y = upper_left_y + (delta_y - 3 * bubble_hoehe) / 10

    i = 1


    For u = 1 To AnzahlEintraege

        x = upper_left_x + (auswirkung(i) - 1) * delta_x

        y = upper_left_y + (5 - wahrscheinlichkeit(i)) * delta_y

        x = x + (counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) Mod 4) * delta_delta_x

        y = y + ((counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) - counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) Mod 4) / 4) * delta_delta_y


        If wahrscheinlichkeit(i) = 0 Then

            counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) = counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) + 1



            Call add_bubble(x, y, bubble_breite, bubble_hoehe, risikono(i), k)

            counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) = counter(wahrscheinlichkeit(i), auswirkung(i)) + 1

        End If

        i = i + 1


    Next u

    Cells(1, 1).Select

    activeCol = activeCol - 2



Next k

End Sub


Sub erase_bubbles()


    Application.DisplayAlerts = False



    Sheets("MODELE").Copy After:=Sheets("SAISIE DES RISQUES")

    Sheets("MODELE (2)").Select

    Sheets("MODELE (2)").Name = "EVALUATION DES RISQUES"

End Sub


Sub add_bubble(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal bubble_breite, ByVal bubble_hoehe, ByVal z As Integer, ByVal k As Double)


    If k = 1 Then

        bubble_breite = 18

        bubble_hoehe = 18

        Fontfarbe_bubble = 2

        fontstyle_bubble = "Bold"


        Fontfarbe_bubble = 16

    End If


        ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, x, y, bubble_breite, bubble_hoehe).Select

        Selection.Characters.Text = z

        Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Transparency = 1


     ' Farbe für Bubbles bestimmen


    Select Case k

        Case 1

            Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(67, 69, 42)

        Case 2

            Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(196, 189, 151)

            Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder (1)

        Case 3

            Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(238, 236, 225)

            Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder (1)

    End Select



    With Selection.Characters(Start:=0, Length:=2).Font

        .Name = "Arial"

        .FontStyle = fontstyle_bubble

        .Size = 8

        .Strikethrough = False

        .Superscript = False

        .Subscript = False

        .OutlineFont = False

        .Shadow = False

        .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone

        .ColorIndex = Fontfarbe_bubble

    End With

    With Selection

        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

        .Orientation = xlHorizontal

        .AutoSize = False

    End With

End Sub

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